Figuratively Spiraling

Figurative is all about playing with my own figure and how my body can look like a shape or be more mysterious than immediately seeing a human figure. In this work, I am this universal figure and in several of the image’s viewers will not even be able to tell the figure’s gender. And while, in other images the female identity of the figure is present there is still this mystery about it. I like the feminist tones that the work takes on even though originally it was not at the forefront of my mind. Power and mystery are two words that I feel really capture this work. The starkness of a black background is something that I intentionally chose. It’s simple, bold, and creates contrast. Honestly, I think without the black background the work would feel very different, and even mean something else entirely. There’s just something about these images that I cannot really put into words, in so many ways the images speak for themselves.

            Spiraling is all about experimenting with the figure and fractals of color or reflections. These fractals of color either frame the figure, create the illusion of clothing, and produce this colorful almost dream like reality. To me, spiraling is almost like everything in the world around this figure is represented in these colors that envelop it. The contrast of vibrant colors, skin tone, and a stark black background create these simple yet bold images.

Together this work creates Figuratively Spiraling.



